Many couples feel that getting married at church or having a civil wedding is not quite unique enough to celebrate the most beautiful day of their lives. Also, such a traditional ceremony usually takes just 20 to 30 minutes. In many countries, a more unique ceremony is easily arranged, a wedding ceremony on a beach in Hawaii, for example. But things work a little differently in most european countries, due to traditions and local regulations, so there are usually very few options to arrange that special wedding of your dreams.

So, this is where I come in. “Freie Trauung” loosely translates to “informal wedding” – a unique wedding ceremony the way you want it and where you want it, which is not limited by the usual restrictions and conventions. So from a hot air ballon or a beach to a castle, the possibilities are virtually endless.

As unique as the story of your love, all elements of your wedding, will reflect your personalities, including the wedding speech that I’ll be writing for your special day.


Sabrina Rucks

The stories of “my” happy couples

– Blog posts available in german only –

26.08.2023 Jacky und Tobi

26.08.2023 Jacky und Tobi

Impressionen einer Hochzeit, die nicht hätte schöner sein können. Am Tag davor schüttete es aus Kübeln aber wie heißt es so schön, was jetzt runter kommt, kommt nachher nicht mehr. Also waren wir alle guter Dinge. Der Plan, erst draußen die Freie Trauungen dann...

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Thanks for stopping by. Are you planning to get married and would like more information about my wedding ceremonies or do you simple want to discuss any few questions? Let’s schedule an appointment and get to know each other – I look forward to meeting you!